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Posts tagged “surrel

hole VI

Fatigue had overcome him.  Unending darkness designated is lethargy as his only marker of time.  He no longer searched for…what? Why had he stuck his arm back down the rabbit hole? What rabbit? Her rabbit? Slick, sand papered sinew  coiled itself around his buried arm and pulled.  He braced himself with…nothing.

His arm. He had to get his arm.

Just as he was sure his arm was going to be pulled from its socket like a turkey leg, the earth surrounding his upper arm and shoulder gave way, first in clumps, then completely.  He braced his eyes against the onslaught of light, which left him unprepared for the free fall.  The shallow hole had become a deep, underground cave.    The water he had submerged his hands into had receded and was evidenced only by the sound of it lapping against the rock walls at the unseen sides, the sound of wet skin on skin, warped into his sister’s pleading and confused sobs…flashes of her bleeding on the stark white of their family’s bathroom floor, him holding his bloodied arm.

The stygian abyss bit through the stark white and swallowed him whole.