Check out the big brain on Tom!

hole V

Theodore Gericault, Study of Two Severed Arms, 1818

Head weighed to the ground, unable to move, he sees a figure move toward him from beyond his property.  Skulking and low to the ground, the being moved warily; its head constantly moving and jolting up, maneuvering its ears and sniffing the air toward him.  Bored with its lack of progression and still unable to make out what it was, he closed his eyes. When he opened them seconds later, his face was filled with dirty and putrid hair.  The thing’s face dug into the earth that had entrenched his arm and shoulder.

Jagged teeth tore into his upper arm, tearing away the flesh.The thing shifted to get more meat; after dirty blue and white frills wafted across his line of site,  all he could see was a tattered stuffed rabbit with chewed and flayed floppy ears.

It stared at him with mournful eyes.

The beast chewed him free, and bolts off taking the stuffed rabbit in its teeth; his arm falls in and disappears. A great and blinding light beamed up from the hole.  Feeling the heat on his face and where his right arm had been attached, he fell back in awe, covering his eyes with his remaining arm, reminding him he needed to retrieve its cohort.

His left arm, not needing permission, dove into the hole…

Buried to the hilt.

Beyond the tree line, he heard a guttural snicker.

Talk to me.